Beautiful morning on the water. 2 for 3 on springs with our biggest of the year 22lbs! Nice work team. #yyj #gtdfishing #bigfish
We got our limit of Chinook this morning and lost a couple big slabs! #yyj #gtdfishing #chinook
Great day in East Sooke today. 4 springs landed! Biggest hatchery was 20lbs and 1 wild that had to be released was 18lbs. Great job ladies! #yyj #gtdfishing #chinook #kings
The slabs are here!!! Over 20lbs just landed. AWESOME! #yyj #gtdfishing #chinook #slab
Slayed them today!! 7 springs landed and lost 2 big hogs! It’s time for the slabs. #yyj #gtdfishing #chinook
Another great day on the water! 3 halibut 22,38 and 55lbs. Good work team. #yyj #gtdfishing #halibut
Another great day on the water! 3 halibut 22,38 and 55lbs. Good work team. #yyj #gtdfishing #halibut
Another 72lb halibut today! #gtdfishing #yyj #halibut
Got another 72lb halibut today! Great day. #yyj #gtdfishing #halibut