Tidal Waters Sport Fishing License Fees

Category Resident Non-Resident
Adult annual (16-64 years of age) $22.59 $108.64
5 Day $17.21 $32.35
3 Day $11.83 $20.44
1 Day $5.66 $7.53
Senior Annual (65 years of age and over) $11.83 $108.64
Salmon Conservation Stamp $6.46 $6.46
Juvenile annual (Under 16 years of age) FREE FREE

Click Here to get your license Online!

* A resident is a person who normally resides in Canada. Valid identification of proof of residency must be provided.

* Prices include all taxes.

For further information, contact the Pacific Fishery License Unit at 604-666-0566.

Where to buy a tidal waters sports fishing license

Tidal waters sport fishing licenses are available province-wide from vendors, including sporting good stores, resorts, service stations, marinas, charters, and department stores. You can consult the Vendor List or download a printable (PDF) version. For further information, contact the Pacific Fishery License Unit at 604-666-0566.

DFO licensing contacts

Prince Rupert

Salmon stamps

A salmon conservation stamp ($6.46) must be affixed to licenses held by anglers, both adult and juvenile, wishing to retain any species of Pacific salmon. The stamp is annual.

Replacement licenses

If a license is lost or accidentally destroyed, a replacement license must be obtained prior to resuming fishing, and can be acquired at no cost from any license vendor. The vendor will ask you to complete and sign a Statement of Loss describing the disposition of the original license. It is illegal to hold more than one license.

Non-tidal licensing

For information on Non-tidal Angling License categories and current fees, please visit the provincial government’s website at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/sports-culture/recreation/fishing-hunting/fishing/recreational-freshwater-fishing-licence

Angling license information for non-tidal waters is also available in the annual British Columbia Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis.

NEW: As of September 2007, individuals may purchase and pay online for a Freshwater Fishing License for recreational purposes at: https://j100.gov.bc.ca/pub/ras/signin.aspx

Your Non-tidal Angling License must be validated with a provincial salmon conservation stamp to keep a salmon of any legal size or species (other than kokanee) from non-tidal waters. A stamp is not required if you intend to release all salmon caught, however a provincial Non-tidal Angling License is still required.